Friday 3 September 2010

Episode 21: Star Wars!

Ladies and gentlemen, iPod, uCast is back again. This time around, Smurf & Rob talk about what is arguably the biggest franchise in movie history: the original Star Wars trilogy.

That's right. It's been a long time coming, but A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi are finally being discussed in true iPod, uCast fashion.

So if you believe that Han shot first, Boba Fett wasn't in Episode 4 and Lucas is a 'tard, download this show and you won't be disappointed.

As always, you can have your opinions heard on iPod, uCast by e-mailing or by leaving comments for us on our Facebook group page.

You can also subscribe to us on iTunes, follow @Smurfenstein on Twitter and friend us all on Facebook.

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