Tuesday 23 February 2010

Episode 7: TV ShowsThat Raised Us

Well, Episode 7 is upon us. Smurf, Ann & Rob gather around to discuss some of the shows that helped make them the degenerates they are today. From bloody obvious shows like Rocko's Modern Life to seemingly innocent ones like Wizadora, it's a tangent-rampant free-for-all with visual aids here at ipoducast.blogspot.com

Again, feel free to get in touch at ipoducast@hotmail.co.uk and click on the sponsors on the right side of the site.

And below are links to some of the more noteable examples featured in the show.

Dirty Postman Pat

Dirty Rainbow

Friday 19 February 2010

Episode 6: TV & Biscuits

Well, as stated t'other day on the website, Smurf & Tom talk in the usual haphazard way about some of their favourite shows on TV. From classics like M*A*S*H, to current hits like Scrubs, taking a left turn at Malted Milks (don't worry, all will be revealed)

So enjoy the show, click the adverts on the right side of the site (we like money) and if you have any comments/feedback/suggestions, e-mail us at ipoducast@hotmail.co.uk

We also have a Facebook group (just search for, you guessed it, iPod, uCast)


Wednesday 17 February 2010

Episode 6: Coming Soon!

Ladies and gentlemen, iPod, uCast Episode 6 will be available for download soon. It is a random episode in which Smurf & Tom (making his official debut) talk about anything and everything that they watch on TV.

Due to the random nature of the show, I recommend listening in a quiet area, because one missed comment and you could become rather lost...

Anywho, keep checking back for the latest update to one of the most random Podcasts out there.

(And don't forget to click the sponsors and send e-mail, dammit!)


Sunday 7 February 2010

Episode 5: Indiana Jones & The Fanboys From Hell

So here it is, people. We got the originators back together and this is what we came up with. That's right, Rob & Smurf tangentally talking about one of Rob's favourite franchises: Indiana Jones.

As always, listener discretion is advised, visit our sponsors on the right side of the website, and feel free to get in touch via e-mail at ipoducast@hotmail.co.uk

That said, let's get 'er done!

Monday 1 February 2010

Episode 4: Movies

Well, we're back again. This time, Smurf, wife of the show Ann and friend of the show Ben talk about some of their favourite movies. De to time restraints, this episode ran a little short of what was originally planned, but there will be a part 2 somewhere down the line with a bigger cast.

In the mean time, sit back and enjoy (or walk around, jog, play video games, sleep, it is on your iPod after all).

Also, don't forget if you want to contact us, e-mail us at ipoducast@hotmail.co.uk with your comments, feedback, topic suggestions or anything else you can think of.

And please remember to click our sponsors down the right side of the screen on the website, and help us get paid for doing this.